With the exceptional of taking anti-cholesterol pills since mid-2020 because home cooking with my mom-in-law around since early 2020 has been so delicious and irresistible and the Covid-19 Movement Control Order discourages (though does not restrict except for one short period) jogging which I have stopped but will continue when Selangor drops from being a red to green zone status, I have mainly been doing daily sit-ups but to a maximum of 30 as I do not want to exert the 2 hernia surgeries (left and right) I have. Recently, I added push-ups and have just managed to do 30 push-ups with ease and what I found out is that after I've add a bath and relaxed my body, doing a blood pressure check after that produces good results. I guess the push-ups flush out unwanted cholesterol out of my heart because achieving 120/80/60 or better is not a problem as before. Building stamina for push-ups takes time and is not an overnight possibility for me yet slowly but surely I managed for 10 to 20 and now 30 push-sups which to me is an achievement because it took me some time to overcome the 20 push-up mental barrier.